How to Score the Best Marks in Science CBSE 10th Board exams

How to Score the Best Marks in Science CBSE 10th Board

Educational -Motivation

Attempting the question paper properly in the exams can help you to score high marks, so the presentation of the paper is the best aspect, whereas has been advised teachers and tutors, how to make an impact on the checkers, some special tips need to apply to face the examinations scoring best marks. I am here to help you to score the best marks in Science.  

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As you are aware recently you have faced the objective type of question papers in first-term exams, and in second-term exams, you have to face descriptive questions. Science is a very important subject for those who have to select Science as a career in life, such as Scientists, Engineers, Doctors, etc. So here are some special tips to secure good marks in the CBSE second-term board examinations.

Points to remember when attempting the exam

The following points to be remembered while attempting paper:

·       Read the question paper thoroughly for 15 minutes

·       Tick the questions you have to attempt as final

·       Set the sequence as per the priority of attempting questions

·       Set options wisely wherever the options given

·       Maintain speed and accuracy

·       Keep eyes on the wall clock

·       Set time as per marks of the questions

·       Attempt easy questions first, mention question No.

·       Check all answers at the end of the exams

How to prepare for Science 10th Board

Science is one of the most important subjects for students who want to go for the science stream at the senior secondary level, they have to focus on it for the best marks.

Important chapters are for revision and practice :

Physics: Light, The colorful world, Electricity, Magnetic effect of electric current

Chemistry: Chemical reactions, Acid bases and salt, Carbon compounds, and    Periodic table.

Biology: Life process, Reproduction, Heredity and Evolution, Our Environment, and Natural resources.

The following points are to be noted :

There are 30 questions asked in Science, the question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C.

Section A:   In section A, 14 short questions are asked of one mark each, these questions are called multiple-choice (MCQ) answers and should be given in one word or one sentence.

·       These questions will be from all the chapters, mostly from carbon compounds, electric circuits, current, chemical reactions, and food chains, but need to study all possible short types of questions in every chapter.  

Section B: In section  B, 10 short answer type questions are asked carrying 3 marks each, these questions need to be described in 50 to 60 words.

·       In this section questions are asked mostly on some topics, such as definitions, pollination, homolog structure, multicellular organisms, test-tube solutions, chemical equations, Joule’s law, other laws, etc.   

Section C:  In Section C, only 6 questions are asked long answer type questions to be described in 80 to 90 words carrying 5 marks each, all questions are compulsory there is no overall choice is given, however, some internal choice has been given in each section.

·       In this sections, questions are based on chemical reactions and compounds, metal, electronic theory, atom theory, the periodic table, diagrams, human respiratory system, eyes, skeleton or and diagram with description, ray diagram of lenses, concave, the convex lens, electrometric, diagram, etc. Also, practice numerical.

Revisions for scoring high marks  

Students are suggested that all lessons need to be prepared well as per the syllabus. Questions of the lessons along with examples need to be revised many times. During preparation following points are to be noted.

·        Make brief notes for every chapter, such as definitions, inventors, formulas, equations, diagrams, etc. It will be easy to revise.

·        Remarks the underlined keywords from the books to learn the short answer-based chapters.

·        Don’t leave any chapter pending for the end because during exams you will not get time to attempt any lesson as deeply as you want to study.

·        The students must check the pattern and syllabus thoroughly, such as the type of questions, marking schedule, chapters that have already been done in first-term exams,

·        Learn all short and long questions of all exercises, and check all the calculations of numerical questions.

Solve samples and previous year’s question papers

Students are suggested to solve all the question papers of the last years and sample papers of all the subjects, which helps to understand the patterns of the question paper and solve the question papers within the stipulated time. The science guide will also help you with the expected questions from all the chapters.

Study with a clear mindset  

Study with a clear mindset to learn, if you are not concentrating while studying, you can’t learn even for a long time continuously study. So study with a clear mindset within a limited time you can learn a lot, and you can save time for the practice of difficult chapters.

Write appropriate answer

This is the most important part to understand to write neat and cleanly in easy language to get the best marks, neat and clean writing gives the best impression to the teachers for maximum marks. 


 As per the above, description, I have tried my best to help the students. Now finally I would like to say, if you want to get the best marks in Science, you have to study as follows.

Your syllabus must be at a glance, all the chapters of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Revise each chapter again as a final preparation, and make the notes that are essential for exams, such as very short answer type questions, short answer questions, and long answer type questions. Every chapter has very short, short, and long answer-type questions.

Complete all exercises of the NCERT-based book, and select the type of questions from all chapters, make a strategy to solve all your problems. Make notes for every chapter, and see the samples in additional books as a refresher or guide to science.

Be confident, and solve the last 2-3 years' papers, and expected questions from teachers, tutors, and friends, try your best efforts to make yourself an expert in all aspects of achieving the best marks in Science.    

Related links:

How to prepare for the 10th CBSE board

How to score maximum marks in English CBSE 10th

How to secure the best marks in Math's CBSE 10th

Motivational speech for preparation for exams

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