Impact of Online Teaching in Education


Impact of Online Teaching on Education

Online teaching is just the flexibility of learning from home, education system has been changed and taken as the new way of learning, which has been welcomed all over the world. The online system brought education to home without going anywhere. The student has appreciated and welcomed finding it as flexibility of learning from a long distance. Probably it was the best option during the pandemic.  

Impact of the online teaching needs to be encouraged, let’s observe it. Using the internet for online classes and for entertainment are different prospects, some teachers may not be well versed in creating digital content with the students. Continuous feedback and reaction from the students may increase or reduce the effectiveness of online teaching.  

Table of Contents

1.    Introduction

2.    Internet connectivity affected online education  

3.    Effectiveness of online teaching during lockdown

4.    The review of the online teaching concept 

5.    Advantage

          5.1. Traveling expenses and time

          5.2. Better understanding

          5.3. Connected with family

          5.4. Different styles of learning

          5.5. Affordability and attendance

     6.  Disadvantage

          6.1. Lack of trained teachers

          6.2. Network connectivity

          6.3. Traditional education exposure

          6.4. Physical education

          6.5. Computer screen

          6.6. Transportation Resources

      7. Conclusion


Online teaching is the flexibility of learning from home, the education system has changed and taken a new way of learning, which has been welcomed by the whole world. It has brought education to our homes without going anywhere. The student appreciated the way and welcomed learning from a long distance.

Probably it was the best option during the pandemic. Many teachers have adopted new teaching methods as per the situation. As per the survey, teachers reported how many students paid attention in the class, and how many understood tasks well, some students who don’t like to study continuously may leave online classes, and some of the parents of 2nd standard to 5th standard, have complained their children's concentration is less, even the college students seem physical learning was much virtual than online. How we learned a new way of living from lockdown

Some of the projects in the laboratory are not possible online. Education is not for subjective knowledge only but to develop social skills and sportsmanship among students. Only a small part of the population has adopted education, others have due to interrupted power supply, non-internet connectivity, or unaffordable devices are major problems for the students. Even the classes of full strength are not seen, only 50% of students attended regularly. This is the complaint of most government school teachers, low attention due to network issues which created a frustrating experience.  

Internet connectivity affected online education

Due to internet connectivity, teachers are sharing videos over WhatsApp or YouTube, so that students could be avail of essential information. Various higher educational institutions conducted a survey through the questionnaires of students and faculty. During COVID, it has determined the lack of availability of the internet and technical support. In March 2020, most of the countries declared complete lockdown. The ministry of human Resources recommended that higher education will be conducted online, and worldwide transitions take place in the education sector to conduct education online.  

There were many problems faced by institutions and colleges regarding internet issues and software technologies' effectiveness. Understanding online teaching and alternative modes may cause students' mental ability to learn more effectively. Such as focus on learning attitudes, ambition to learn goals, the value of school, sense of belonging, motivation to master tasks, and self-efficiency learning.

From the early stages of learning many of these attitudes are developed, likely making the changes influenced by schooling, signifying more learning like having an ambitious goal this is compared to proficiency in academic performance. How we learned a new way of living from lockdown

Most educational institutes have shifted to online learning, however, the effectiveness of online learning is not understood where the technical constraints pose a serious change. The result indicates that 70% opted for online, whereas in the science and agricultural education systems where many courses are practically oriented may not be possible to be shifted online.

Effectiveness of Online Teaching during lockdown

Education institutes have come functional for protecting their students from viral infection. In the beginning, China and a few other countries closed all educational institutions. Social distancing was the only way for breaking chain transformation. Schools and colleges were closed for an indefinite period, which caused inconveniences for education.

Old lecture-based approaches to teaching closed, these facts clearly show us the level of online learning took place. The effectiveness of learning depends on how the online environment understands and addressing is faced by the student. The importance of practices and online platforms can be effective, examined even in agriculture perception, online learning makes more effective.  Impact of unemployment in India during coronavirus

The result of the study is important for educational institutions. The online mode has been implemented so that the student and learning can be incorporated to make online easy learning. And life after lockdown makes a stay in combination with regular online classes. With the uncertainty of the pandemic and to maintain social distancing as normal, all educational institutes need to be prepared for the content of the e-learning platform. The result can be important to the methodology used in the study, the following are the remarks of the study concluded.

The review of the online teaching concept

It is very important that online teaching makes learning more effective and productive, the learner's willingness will prefer to participate in online learning. The literature has highlighted the framework for understanding the perception regarding online education. With the success of online learning, this is understood that only a limited number of distance education used the mode of this education before the pandemic. We have to try to fill the gaps in the study drawing insights from the literature executive and focusing our attention on online education even in agriculture.


Traveling expenses and time

Through online classes, we have saved traveling expenses and time, online classes can be attended from anywhere, and the teaching can be recorded for future reference so that the student can have the study material anytime, anywhere when required.

Better understanding

Online classes provide an option to display pictures, for example, teachers are using many tools for a better understanding of the concept. So that the topics can be better understood by displaying related pictures as per the online teaching could be more efficient.

Connected with families

 Students have more free time to spend with their families, and online classes can be attended from home or anywhere. Parents also have time to spend with their children, and no need to worry for now the child is not far away from them. Students have more free time to talk with their friends or be personalized according to their needs.

Different styles of learning

Every student has different ways of learning, some are online learners and some are traditional learners, online has a wide range of learning, and a large number of students can learn at a time that can be personalized with teachers and friends. How to create solutions for unemployment for 2022   

Affordability and attendance

Online study can reduce affordability, online classes are cheaper than traditional classes, such as books, uniforms, conveyance, hostel, and food expenses are not included. It is more efficient than the traditional classes which can be managed from home by electronic devices.

Attendance of the student can be accessed from anywhere online, even students also can have a record of their attendance. They also have the choice to check the record of their previous classes.


Lack of trained teachers

The teacher must be trained for the online classes, for providing such examples according to the topic need to be displayed online.  The teacher must have the sense of using technology properly, for a digital form of teaching basic knowledge of computer technology is essential. As trained teachers are not available, school management must invest in teachers' learning programs, and necessary devices to be provided.

Network connectivity

The network connection is not available in rural areas of the country, education is equal for everyone in the society, but the poor and backward people can’t access online technology. As per the government school in rural areas are part of our society, due to poor network issues we are not trying to help them out only this creates awareness among the people.

Traditional education exposure  

In the traditional classes, we go to school and there is a wide range of exposure to learning, we can talk to friends and share thoughts, we have good interaction with teachers, we have new friends and many challenges and excellent medium to clear our thoughts.

Physical education

In school and college, we have a specific time to play sports and do physical exercises which are essential for every student. Sports activities make us happy and healthy and active every time. Along with education physical exercises and fitness is compulsory for the proper growth of the student's overall development.

Computer Screen

Online classes keep students busy with the computer and laptop screen most of the time for many hours, due to classes we can not keep them away from the computer screen classes which may affect the eyes of the students in the future, but this can be avoided by the traditional classes.

Transportation resources

Our natural transportation resources are not consumed if everything is managed from home. Many people may become unemployed, and parents must motivate children to focus on their studies and use meditation to remove stress. So that these classes can be effective during pandemics.


Online education has been appreciated and welcomed finding as learning from a long distance. Probably it was the best option during a pandemic. Using the internet for online classes or for entertainment is different. Teachers may not be well-versed in creating digital content with the student’s continued feedback, and the student's reactions may reduce the teaching effectiveness.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of online teaching, advantages are online classes can be managed from anywhere, and we can save traveling expenses and time. Students can have all lectures and study materials online. Online classes have the option to display pictures for more clear understanding, and affordability such as books, uniforms, hostel, and food expenses.

There are some disadvantages of online classes, the teacher must have a basic knowledge of computer technology as the trained teacher are not available. School management needs to invest in the training of the teachers and provide the necessary devices.

The network connection issue is the most important for the development of poor and backward people, most of the government schools in rural areas are having issues with the network they can perform or participate in online education facilities. Physical exercises, sports, and games are essential for students. Sports activities make them happy healthy and active. Along with education physical exercise and fitness are compulsory for proper growth and overall development.


Related links:

How we learned a new way of living from lockdown        

Impact of unemployment in India during coronavirus

How to create solutions for unemployment for 2022   








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