Showing posts with label Passion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passion. Show all posts

How to Live Your Life with Passion?

How to Live Life with Passion?   

It’s really not very easy 'how to live life with passion', sometimes we think there is nothing special in life, and are not interested in doing anything in life. We are not doing the thing that we like most, we don’t understand what we are doing at all. There is no such enjoyment, which we desire.

Whenever we get tired, thinking all about these things, and working with that which we don’t like to do. Then we used to think, about how to live with passion. Which things attract us to do, and what is passion? 

In seminars, we are told what we like most to do? What do you prefer to do most of the time? That is your hobby and you need to live with that.  How to pursue passion with a job

Table of Content

1. Don't compare passion with a hobby

2. Passion makes you crazy

3. How to turn a hobby into a passion

4. Pursuing passion with a job 

5. Find an indication of your passion 

6. Struggling days

7. Turn passion into a business

8. How to turn passion into a profession 

9. Conclusion  

Don’t compare passion with a hobby

A hobby is always wanting to be relaxed, living a luxurious life, etc. No, it’s the wrong way you have selected, there may be many hobbies in one, but which hobby makes you busy every time that may be your passion, but that is not relaxing you any time. 

You are not alone; there is something you want to live with, and that hobby is passion. The hobby is your interest, it may be in a different field, but passion is your choice of work and what you want to do in life. 

Passion makes you crazy

Now you are on the right track. Which hobby turns you into a passion that makes you crazy for doing something that you are doing continuously, need to follow your passion. Passion may be that you want to work for unlimited times, and you are not feeling tired, expecting a high price from you. Passion is the thing we love to do.


How to turn a hobby into a passion

Finding your passion is something from you, and that will compel you to keep it, yes, this says to turn your hobby into a passion. But hobbies sometimes require fighting against your living or your daily routine. 

The pursuit requires you to love your passion. Many singers have spent a lot on costly instruments and getting the way where they want to put their efforts, but most dedication is required to find success with the hobby.    How to turn passion into a profession


Pursuing passion with a job

You are sometimes following your passion but you don’t know how to pursue your passion with the job?  It’s too difficult during the job to follow a passion, but sometimes your party starts to follow. For this, you have to read the article : 

Passion is the power you can’t search for in the air around you; it’s in your heart that motivates you to do something eagerly. 

Find an indication of your passion

Why don’t you recognize your passion, one of your most favorable hobbies which requires doing something different? You are willing to do what is that, where you’re spending your maximum time. Finding your many articles, you are being informed by mail, are you a writer? 

Do you want to publish your book? Here is the easiest way to publish your best writing hobbies, all will be covered in a book of your dreams.

Your passion will start to grip you, but you always try to give up. That may change your life and following your passion is the only solution.

And your followers, viewers, or readers will appreciate your thoughts, and what you have explained in your dream book. Success can be achieved if you make your passion a business. 

Struggling days

The days of the struggling period will give you ideas, about the way you have chosen a career. It was the circumstances to take any job to run your family, and accordingly whatever the additional offers you got in life, and started following the same. 

Now life is ruined, not satisfied with the previous life when you get tired and think of doing something different, what you like most. That attracts you toward your hobby may change into a passion.    

Turn passion into a business

Another way is sometimes, you keep busy with the internet most of the time. Have you tried to find what you are watching mostly? The variety of foods in which you are interested, it means that it’s your hobby to make such things at home, and you usually attempt to do so for your satisfaction. Actually, it’s your hobby.

Examples: How to turn passion into a profession

One day your son says ‘Mama you’re watching all from the internet and learning how to cook a variety of delicious dishes, why don’t you send all these on the internet? I can help you out by making a ‘YouTube channel for cooking.

It sets your mind and you can start your own channel cooking, and if you get lots of comments that really attract you and you realize, that is your passion. 

The same is another example of a writer who is always watching people’s thoughts and used to write poetry and stories. He could not make money from that, and also wrote many articles but sent them to different apps. Your hobby of writing can change into a passion, and that passion may be your business which you are spending most of the time, that keeps you happy.


I would suggest to all people that if they have any kind of talent at a certain level, and are continuously working in the same direction, definitely, you will be able to succeed one day. Then you will realize that your hobby is turning into passion, but you need to show your consistency towards the work you have started. 

Your success is 100% on that, but if any failures are there, please don’t leave the passion, your regular hard work and practice are required to achieve the goal, keep practicing and keep learning through failures. And achieve with passion whatever you desire in life.

 Related link of passion:

How to pursue passion with a job

How to turn passion into a profession

How to Pursue Passion with job

How to Pursue Passion with Job 

We are always advised to follow a passion, but it’s not so easy that people who are dependent on their jobs can’t take the risk of switching to a passion. During a job, how to pursue a passion is difficult for them. They used to think of the following passion if they are being used more the working hours.

In developed countries, most people follow passion from the beginning. I think it has been advised from school days and then after completing education, they start their business, or work they like, and turn passion into a profession.

As per recent studies, a new generation is trying to follow their passion. The young generation is achieving their target and making careers with the following passion. But Pursuing passion with a job is a different type of achievement, some people want to increase their income. To increase their income they start working partly.

It’s very difficult to find work as per your hobby. If that hobby is followed along with the job, your dream can come true.  All dreams will be fulfilled, but how to follow the passion with a job can be specified as follows:

Table of contents

  • Pursuing a passion is not allowed in a job
  • Passion after retirement
  • Lesson for Leaders and Managers
  • Meet more people to show talent
  • Opportunities need to be picked up
  • Importance of being passionate about work 
  • Conclusion

Pursuing a passion is not allowed in a job

Pursuing a passion is not allowed in the jobs, for example, a traffic policeman can’t dance in the middle of the road, nobody can dance in the office, and no one can sing during office hours. No one can gossip for a long time. And many more things which are not possible during the job. Pursuing a passion for the job has the following restrictions.

How to turn passion into a profession

  • During the job, there are many restrictions on using our smartphones all over the world for personal use for more time.
  • As per the survey, the maximum number of smartphone users is in India. 
  • Some physical and hard work can’t be possible after 50 plus age, 
  • Therefore in the Army, most people retire after 45 or 50 years of age. 

Follow passion after retirement

It’s important to realize that to desire to pursue a passion at work is not possible, but partly people are doing so, as to remember their passion after retirement people share their experiences, and what they want to be in their life. 

After retirement, most of the people who join such activities, such as sportsmen join a sports club, most of the people want to be fit in life they health club, some used to join other clubs as per their hobbies, and many of us like gardening, training to youngsters, coaching to upcoming students, after retirement.

Most people could not follow their passion during the job they used to follow after retirement. As per their hobbies, they used to enjoy real life and start following their passion. And turning their passion into a profession.

I am talking about retirement because most people cannot follow their hobby during their job, but after retirement, they used to enjoy life and start following a passion.

Lesson for Leaders and Managers

As per job requirements, we can call employees to show their talent and passion, but they need to work related to job requirements, like marketing teamwork, music company, or multi-tasks. In multinational organizations, the manager has to find the talent of the employees, and accordingly, they must be promoted as per the passion they have. 

They must be advised on how to turn passion into a profession. So the team leaders must step in to encourage supporting workers by scheduling more extracurricular programs or simply encouraging people to think about what gets them excited.

Meet more people to show talent

Your extracurricular activities can be developed by meeting new people to express your creative thoughts and capability. Your target must be to reach the right people, who could approach you for your betterment.  

If you don't have time to show your performance during the job. It must be followed after work.  If your passion is to achieve a senior-level position, it is required to show your best talent, whenever you have pushed ahead, which is called your passion.

Opportunities need to be picked up

In your childhood or school days, you were asked to choose your hobby, if you have any extracurricular activities such as games, music, art, writing, or any kind of hobby, you need to participate in such activities.

That is the opportunity that needs to be picked up. Children are not forced to do so, but parents must know the hobbies of their children. Your children need to relate themselves to their hobby that would help them to live life with passion

Importance of being passionate about work

Do you want to be happy and successful by following your passion? Yes, a large number of people say, employees who are passionate about what they do, will be both happier and more proactive at work. Their passion must be appreciated by the organization.  

Those who are showing their talent must be promoted and given better remuneration to follow their hobby. It will be helpful for the organization as well. It is important to be passionate about performance at work.


The good news is that you are in that category of professionals who seem otherwise satisfied with your career path but would not go so far as to say you’re living out your life’s passion.

As you know, thousands of people want to become IAS officers but few of them are selected. How they are selected, they have a real passion for becoming IAS officers. It comes true for them, who work hard to achieve.

You must like to be passionate about the work that you like most and work hard to achieve the same. Pursuing passion during the job is not possible but it must be followed, even after the job. Your dream could be true if it is followed with passion.  

Related link : 

How to turn passion into a profession

How to live life with passion

5 Steps to turn Passion into Profession

5 Steps to Turn Passion Into Profession

 This is the history of most of the legends who are successful because they know how to turn passion into a profession. Did you ever notice, why they are known as the most genius, creators, inventors, and industrialists? Because they all were passionate about their dream, they created differently, developed their leadership quality, and achieved the position they desired in their life.

Photo by - Photographer hobby, Splash-free

Very few are successful without changing their passion, they were either in the same profession or they would have changed their profession according to their passion. During their struggling period, they would not have been satisfied and would have compromised their life. Career changing is your choice, but going with your hobby may be difficult, if you have finally decided to change then you need to follow some steps.

Table of content

  • Pandemic Period and lockdown
  • Passion of Parents
  • 5 Steps to Follow Your Passion
  • Discover your hobby
  • Create your demand
  • Focus with clear determination
  • Work on your hobby
  • Qualify yourself
  • Conclusion

     Pandemic Period and lockdown

Even during this pandemic period coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread all over the world, and a large number of people lost their lives. But our Doctors and Scientists have finally succeeded in inventing the vaccine to save the lives of people.

Inspiring from above some new entrepreneurs are searching for new opportunities. Several Engineers are unemployed, their mind is diverting toward such new creations and new ideas, and trying to change their profile as per their hobbies. Their creativity and hobby may change into a passion that will turn into a profitable profession.

Photo by - Lab, Splash-free

Passion of Parents

I met some of my friends, who are Chartered Accountants, Business Managers, Doctors, and Engineers, who have achieved their goals, as their parents compelled, and achieved their parent’s desire with their hard work. They followed their parents' passion.

After the achievement, they ask their parents if they want to follow their passion, parents' advice will be why waste time on such unnecessary work. You have made your career with lots of effort and hard work that will be forever in life. Some people don’t want any change in life, they forget their passion. They used to live a normal life as usual.

During their struggling period, they would have been satisfied with their job or businesses, which they have achieved by hooks and cooks. And financially they became sound and they don’t desire to do something new or creative. They are just having fun and have compromised their life.

Career changing is your choice, but going with your hobby may be difficult, if you have finally decided how to turn your passion into a profession, then you need to follow the following steps.

5 Steps to Follow Your Passion

Discover your hobby

Your hobby should be the thing you enjoy and for which you naturally wanted to enlarge, that needs to be discovered, where your hobby is giving happiness and in which you are involved most of the time, wasting time on unnecessary things is not considered.

The work for which you want to spend your maximum time doesn’t mean time of day or night, the unlimited time you want to spend is your passion, and that kind of passion needs to be discovered.  How to live life with passion

   Create your demand

If you have discovered your passion, then create your level of demand for your skills and choose a field where you need to put your attention toward the goal, for that you will go as much as possible. Search the demand, which is made for you, and you are positive to achieve the goal, at anyhow at any level.

Creating demand is using your skill in new areas using waste material which is going to be valuable shortly. That creation will be useful for the environment will be life-saving for the people, and helpful for the coming generation.  

   Focus with clear determination

If you have created demand and focusing on the same way, you need to research the way that may be good or bad for you. There are two ways of the human mind some are going negatively, but some have always been positive. We are suggesting research about the positive way of success only.

Clear determination is required like Jubin Notiyal is a singer who went against their parents' business. Raghav Juyal’s father is a lawyer, he wanted his son should go into the same field but Raghav chose his career in dancing. M.S. Dhoni, the great Indian cricket captain was on the railway, but his passion for cricket turned his career as a cricketer. There are many more examples of  How to pursue a passion they have changed their passion into a profession.  

Photo by - Kuzzat Atlay, splash-free 

    Work on your hobby

During your research you have to work towards passion, suppose you are a reader and you like reading books, but sometimes you start writing comments on the topics and your hobby is reading and writing. If this is only up to reading and writing then don’t turn this hobby into a passion. 

If your interest is reading different kinds of books and writing articles, poems, and stories then you must go for it, work in this field, your hobby can change into your passion for writing, and you may become a writer and an author in life.

    Qualify yourself

You need to be qualified for your passion, suppose, if you are interested in teaching, you like to teach children and started taking tuition, it means you need to prepare for a B.Ed. Teaching is not easy, you have to spend a lot of time with the students to develop their overall quality.  

There are a lot of examples of changing a hobby into a passion, but you need to be qualified with more knowledge and efficiency, which will help you to succeed with your passion. We need to Live life with passion.


A career-changing is a major decision, but the following passion is different. Many people start to work toward their passion along with their running job, and with time they change their careers after a few years or more. The following passion will give more satisfaction than the jobs, but the above 5 steps need to be followed. 

You need to be flexible in life, whenever you desire to change your hobby and you want to go for another profile in which you are interested. Most people want to do better in their field. If you feel comfortable changing your profile, you must be flexible about changing your passion into a profession.

Related links:

How to pursue passion with a job

How to live life with passion

The passion for writing is compulsory


New steps to turn your passion into a business

 New steps turn your passion into a business

 History is an example of the legends and successful businessmen who have followed their hobby and turned their hobby into a passion, and their passion turned into a business. Did you ever notice, why those businessmen were called, creators, and industrialists because they all were passionate about their hobbies? Here are some most important, new steps to turn your passion into a business. 

They have worked hard, created differently, developed themselves flexibly, qualified, and achieved the position they desired in life. Every business starts with primary activities and grows with struggling, creating importance of hobby, focusing, following with clear determination, and improving quality to become successful businessmen.  

Table of contents

1.    Learning starts with primary activities

2.    How to spend the struggling period

3.    Create importance of hobby

4.    Search for the most interesting factor of hobbies

5.    Focus with clear determination

6.    Following a hobby and turning it into a passion

7.    Qualify yourself to follow the passion

8.    Conclusion

Learning starts with primary activities

Everyone has a hobby and some situations inspire them to learn from their hobbies. Inspired by your hobbies and start searching more for your own hobbies, you will find many opportunities to do something new in life. Our learning starts with primary activities.

Several Engineers are unemployed these days their mind is diverting toward new creations and new ideas. They are trying to change their profile as per their hobbies. Their creativities and hobbies change them and put forward their ideas into the business.  How to turn passion into a profession - 5 steps

How to spend the struggling period

During the struggling period, there may not be getting such an environment to follow the passion, in the beginning, everyone will give opposite comments, such as Don’t do this, it’s not possible, go to the easiest way of life and get success, first of all, you have to solve your family problems. Then think about your future career, everything will be normal if family problems get solved.  How to live life with passion

The way you would be satisfied with the job or traditional business, which they have achieved with the help of family members or a relative. You will become sound and they don’t desire to do something new or creative. You will have a fun and compromised life. Career change depends on your choice, but going with your hobby may be difficult, if you have finally decided to change then you need to follow some steps to go forward.

Create importance of hobby

If you have finally discovered your passion, then create the importance of your hobby. Improve your skills and choose a field where you need to put your attention toward the hobby, for that you would like to work as much as possible.

Search the requirement or demand that is made for you, and if your thought is positive towards achieving the goal, anyhow it is possible. Feel the importance of a hobby that is going to be your career shortly.

Search for the most interesting factor of hobbies

You need to search for the most interesting factor of your hobbies, your hobby must be the thing you enjoy, for which you naturally want to enlarge, that kind of needs to be discovered, where your hobby is giving you happiness and in which you keep involved most of the time, you don’t want to waste your time on unnecessary things.

You feel like you are most happy doing that, even in working hours you keep enjoying your hobby. The work for which you want to spend your maximum time doesn’t mean time of day or night, the unlimited time spent on which is your passion, that type of passion needs to be discovered. For example, singing, dancing, drawing, playing, reading or writing, business, and things can be possible.  

Photo by - Glenn Carstens-Peters, Unsplash free

Focus with clear determination

If you have created the importance of your hobby and you need to focus on the same way,  keep your research on the way which you feel better to go, There are two ways people advise some on the negative way, but some have the positive. You need to research the positive way of success.  How to live life with passion

There are many examples of people's lives, how they followed the track towards the passion to achieve the goal. Every successful businessman has a clear determination toward the destination. They had played their best with their maximum possibilities to achieve success.

Following a hobby can turn into a passion

If you have researched your desired hobby then you have to focus with clear determination, and that hobby can be changed into a passion. Suppose you want to start any business, you have to take the initiative, start with a small investment, and reinvest the profit till the growth of the business.     How to pursue passion with jobs

The business will grow, but profit needs to be invested again to increase profit, your hobby can change into your passion for the improvement of the business. Patience and time are required for the growth of the business.  

Qualify yourself to follow your passion

To follow passion you need to be qualified, whatever the essential requirement is needed you have to learn all, for any business some important preparations are required and that need to be learned from any source, you have to spend a lot of time to develop your overall quality and gain the knowledge for further development of the business.

There are a lot of examples of changing hobbies into passion, but you need to be qualified with knowledge and efficiency, which will help you to succeed with your passion.


Some new steps to turn your business into a business are very important. Following passion, and changing careers is a very important decision. Due to circumstances, there may come many problems but if you are passionate about your own business you will definitely succeed.

You need to be flexible in life, whenever you desire to change your hobby and you want to go for a business in which you are interested most, as per previous experience you want to do better in that field, and this kind of flexibility is required for changing your passion into a business.

Related Links:

How to turn passion into a profession - 5 steps

How to pursue passion with jobs

How to live life with passion